Today on Deadspin Chris Kluwe, former punter for the Minnesota Vikings, alleged he was cut due to his outspoken views supporting marriage equality.
I’m not a huge sports fan, but I am a huge Kluwe fan, I follow him on twitter @chriswarcraft, and I listen to him when he gives interviews. He is well spoken, self aware, and intelligent. The Nerdist Podcast did a great interview with him where you really get a great insight into him, outside of football, and how he views his life after football.
Living here in Minnesota, Kluwe’s letter to a Maryland state delgate is a wonderful read for those of us who cannot fathom a logic argument, outside of bigotry, as to why marriage equality isn’t universal.
So take a few moments to read Kluwe’s two letters. This man is a vocal ally who put his career on the line for the causes of his fellow humans.